Icon Dienstleistung Klimaschutz & Nachhaltigkeit

Climate protection and sustainability

Economy and society are increasingly confronted with the consequences of climate change. We accompany our customers on all questions relating to climate protection and sustainability and in their commitment to implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the way to a sustainable global economy.

Today, companies must act in climate protection

Climate protection & sustainability goals

The goals

Economy and society are increasingly confronted with the consequences of climate change. Germany is to reduce emissions of climate-damaging gases such as CO2 by 55 percent by 2030. Measures for this are anchored in the climate protection program 2030, with which the federal government is implementing the German climate protection plan 2050.

The need to implement measures affects all sectors and applies to the energy sector, industry, buildings, transport, agriculture and forestry, land use and waste management. If the goals are not sufficiently achieved, the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) estimates the economic damage by 2050 that could result from climate change at a total of almost 800 billion euros.

In addition to financial risks, global warming is making extreme weather events such as droughts and storms more frequent and more severe. According to statements by the organization Germanwatch, almost half a million people have died in the course of more than 12,000 such events in the past 20 years. There is therefore a need for action at all levels of sustainable management.

Why does a company urgently need to act in the areas of climate protection and sustainability to achieve national climate protection goals? For some companies, climate protection and climate management are already part of everyday practice. For most of them, getting started with implementing your own climate strategy and accounting for your own emissions will be an essential part of the journey towards a legally compliant and sustainably successful economy.

We support you in setting up one effective climate management

The task

Measuring and managing the impact of your business activities on the environment and climate is a complex challenge for companies of all sizes and industries. These areas are increasingly in the focus of customers, investors and other reference groups. Sustainable companies are perceived more positively and thus achieve a strong competitive position, and more and more people are demanding measurable sustainability from companies. Motivation enough to deal with climate protection and sustainability in detail.

The solution

We support you in setting up an effective climate management system. We know the critical points in climate management and reporting and support companies from data collection and method selection to scenario analysis and the definition of key figures and goals to the establishment of paths to net zero emissions. One thing is already clear today: the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and the resulting obligations for companies and organizations will increase in the future. We support you in recognizing risks and opportunities at an early stage, looking ahead and acting with legal certainty!

Climate protection & sustainability Climate management

Corporate sustainability as essential success factor

Climate Protection & Sustainability Corporate Sustainability

The task

A company’s sustainability performance or performance in the area of “corporate sustainability” is an important factor for all stakeholders. Sustainability indicators or KPIs for measuring this performance are fundamental and important variables of corporate success and sustainable management is more than ever the adjusting screw and focus of a sustainable organization.

The shareholders of listed companies in particular are now demanding an appropriate and measurable depiction of climate risks in reporting. In addition, asset managers must also measure and assess climate risks and opportunities in their portfolio as part of their fiduciary duty. This is also demanded politically. With its “Financing Sustainable Growth” action plan, the European Commission has drawn up a strategy for sustainable finance in the EU and wants to use the recommendations of the “Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures” to establish a new reporting standard within the framework of corporate social responsibility .

The solution

We support you in recording, reporting and managing your sustainability performance with a system, especially in the integrated reporting on climate protection and sustainability. The performance and results of a company in the area of corporate sustainability are now important indicators for the long-term success of the company and the perception of investors and other reference groups. That means: More than ever, sustainable management is a key and focus of a future-oriented organization! We support you systematically in recording, reporting and managing your sustainability performance and create sustainability reports according to the criteria of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) or the German Sustainability Code (DNK). We are your compass for sustainable goal achievement and prioritize and integrate the relevant goals and scenarios into your business strategy and sustainable supply chains.

The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) affect us all. We are therefore part of the worldwide UN initiative “Global Compact” and would like to contribute to a more sustainable and fairer global economy. We live this vision internally and support our customers in their commitment to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals on the way to a sustainable global economy. We invite you to our digital platform “UmweltQuadrat” to exchange experiences. We offer you a practical tool and a large network of experts for getting started with your individual sustainability management.

Climate protection & sustainability Corporate sustainability solution

Our services at a glance

Climate protection
Icon Klimaschutz & Nachhaltigkeit Leistungen Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint (CCF & PCF)

Zukünftig besser klimaneutral? Wir messen, erfassen und berechnen Ihre Treibhausgas­emissionen und erstellen eine Klimabilanz nach Ihren Rahmenbedingungen.

Icon Klimaschutz & Nachhaltigkeit Leistungen Klimaziele

Klimaziele & Klimastrategie

Klimaziele setzen und berichten? Gemeinsam entwickeln und formulieren wir Ihre Klimastra­tegie für die Erreichung Ihrer strategischen und operativen Klimaschutzziele.

Icon Klimaschutz & Nachhaltigkeit Leistungen Carbon Szenarien

Szenarien- & Potentialanalyse

Szenarien analysieren und Potentiale heben? Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Verbrauchsdatenerfassung und erstellen und optimieren Ihre Energie- und Klimabilanz.

Icon Klimaschutz & Nachhaltigkeit Leistungen EU Emissionshandel


Sind Sie vorbereitet im EU-ETS? Wir beraten Sie zu den Anforderungen im Emissionshan­del der vierten Handlungsperiode von 2021 bis 2030 und bereiten Ihre Zuteilungsanträge vor.

Icon Klimaschutz & Nachhaltigkeit Leistungen Klimaneutralität

Kompensation & Klimaneutralität

Treibhausgas-Emissionen ausgleichen? Im Rahmen von Ausgleichsmaßnahmen unterstützen wir Sie auf dem Weg zu „Net Zero Emissions“.

Icon Klimaschutz & Nachhaltigkeit Leistungen Science Based Targets

Science based targets Initiative (SBTi)

Wissenschaft konkret umsetzen? Wir begleiten Sie zu den Reduktionszielen für Treibhausgas­emissionen von 1,5 Grad Celsius.

Value management and diversity

The goals

The economy is undergoing an epochal transformation. More and more familiar paradigms are losing their legitimacy and giving way to new understandings and behaviors. Therefore, business and corporate ethics is becoming increasingly important in practice. The discipline is concerned with the interrelationships of ethics, business and economics, examines the importance of moral behavior in business and economics, and promotes such moral behavior there.

In this context, value management is the translation of business ethics into practice. This is about how values are dealt with in terms of the concrete shaping of behavior in all areas of everyday business life. The aim of corporate value management is thus to actively shape and control the values in a company in a targeted manner.

The concept of diversity is closely related to this. Managing diversity issues has become an essential topic for all organizations. It is important for all companies to implement diversity correctly and to position it externally and internally. The lived and consistently pursued acceptance of diversity and respect for all lifestyles and identities can become a success factor and USP through systematic management.

Ethics, value management and diversity are becoming increasingly important, especially at the interface with climate and sustainability consulting. A decidedly sustainable, environmentally and climate protection-oriented corporate management and strategy is at the core of a sustainable corporate ethic and enables growth and development while simultaneously observing and promoting ESG criteria and the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda in order to enable decent living and preserve the natural foundations of life in the long term. This includes economic, ecological and social aspects.

The task

The benefits of ethics and value management for companies are clearly tangible. Value management defines and codifies specific, company-individual values in order to integrate them into the strategic and operational treatment of the company. It goes without saying that this is crucial for the development of a distinctive, value-based corporate culture.

Lived values and genuine diversity have an effect both internally and externally. Professional and consistent value management can significantly increase employee loyalty and identification with the company. At the same time, it strengthens employer branding in the competition for the best minds. In turn, value-oriented bodies and employees increase trust in and the legitimacy of an organization. This enhances the positive image in the form of high customer satisfaction or delivery reliability, or by making certain concerns more favorably accepted by the public. After all, unethical behavior can deprive companies of their legitimacy in society. This will inevitably have a negative impact on development.

The solution

We support you in establishing an effective and individual value and diversity management in your company. We know the requirements of ethics and value management in practice and stand for the systematic establishment, maintenance and expansion of a value-based identity of the company at the interface to our long-established climate and sustainability consulting. The focus is on linking corporate vision and strategy with ethics and value management, as well as on implementing leadership strategies and advising executives on value management. Together with you, we answer the question of how your entrepreneurial striving for profit and moral ideals relate to each other and how you can optimize your business success through ethical, value-oriented action and clear, focused value management and safeguard it for the future.

Which sectors do we support? Our industry focus at a glance

The responsibility for climate protection and sustainable management affects all sectors. In order to achieve the national climate protection targets, annual reduction targets are already being set by specifying annual emission levels for different sectors. We support you in your industry with all specific demands on the topics of climate protection and sustainability along the entire supply and production chain up to a sustainable life cycle.

Icon Klimaschutz & Nachhaltigkeit Branchen Landwirtschaft


The agricultural sector brings together a variety of products, farm models and intensity levels, all of which are environmentally and climate intensive and emit greenhouse gases.
At the same time, it is directly affected by climate change. Regardless of the type of farm and business model, we support farms with various bundles of measures in order to achieve specific environmental and climate goals for each model, which allow food to be secured in a sustainable manner and raw materials to be produced for other purposes.

Icon Klimaschutz & Nachhaltigkeit Branchen Industrie/Handel

Industry & Trade

In order for a lived sustainability strategy to become an essential companion towards a sustainable economy in the future, an effective strategy is required
Climate and sustainability management. From the analysis of value-added processes to the tailor-made application of globally recognized standards and their methods to your economic sector, we advise you strategically and operationally on topics such as supply chain management, CO2 balancing of companies and products and with a focus on your sustainability strategy.

Icon Klimaschutz & Nachhaltigkeit Branchen Städte

Cities, municipalities & public administration

A “city of the future” combines the greatest possible energy and resource efficiency and active climate protection with a high quality of life and attractiveness of the location for
the economy. With energy and climate strategies, we help you to achieve the visions of a climate-friendly development by recording and evaluating possible scenarios, depicting them in fields of action and storing them with reduction potentials and goals. We also support the public administration in introducing environmental and energy management systems and thus complying with the requirements of the climate protection plan.

Icon Klimaschutz & Nachhaltigkeit Branchen Veranstaltungen


Through the sustainable planning of meetings and events, resource conservation, climate protection, quality improvement and image gain can be targeted and permanently
unite. We support you in sustainable event planning or with an event carbon footprint and compensation of your greenhouse gas emissions.

Icon Klimaschutz & Nachhaltigkeit Branchen Städte

financial economy

Private and public financial actors must align the economic, social and environmental dimensions of their investments and projects in such a way that they lead to a
contribute to sustainable development. We support you in defining and implementing a sustainable finance strategy for your company and financial products.

Services climate protection & sustainability

Icon service climate protection & sustainability white

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions on climate protection and sustainability

Why do companies have to act on climate protection today?

Climate change is one of the major risks for the future. This is politically enforced. Germany is to reduce emissions of climate-damaging gases such as CO2 by 55 percent by 2030. Measures for this are anchored in the climate protection program 2030, with which the federal government is implementing the German climate protection plan 2050. There is therefore a need for action at all levels of sustainable management.

Which sectors are particularly affected?

The climate protection measures affect all companies across all sectors. The energy sector, industry, building management, transport, agriculture, forestry and waste management are particularly affected. Measuring and managing the impact of your own business activities on the environment and climate represents a complex challenge for companies in practice.

How can companies achieve national and international climate protection goals?

With solutions from the areas of CO2 and climate accounting at company and product level and an entry into a sustainable screening of their own supply chains, companies and organizations can align their own actions with a well-founded climate strategy in a sustainable manner.

What advantages do companies get from effective climate management?

A decidedly sustainable business strategy is increasingly in the focus of customers, investors and other reference groups. Sustainable companies are perceived more positively and thus achieve a strong competitive position, and more and more people are demanding measurable sustainability from companies. Motivation enough to deal with climate protection and sustainability in detail.

What is corporate sustainability?

Corporate sustainability uses opportunities and controls risks that arise from economic, ecological and social developments. More than ever, sustainable management is the adjusting screw and focus of a sustainable organization. With sustainable action, the environment and people are in harmony.

Why is reporting on climate protection and sustainability necessary?

The performance and results of a company in the area of corporate sustainability are now important indicators for the long-term success of the company and the perception of investors and other reference groups. These are demonstrated through the collection, reporting and management of sustainability performance.

Would you like to find out more?

We would like to get to know you! Say or write hello to us! Ask us anything! We would be happy to give you more information about our services!